Exchange 2013 IMAP Connectivity Failing

I have gone through all of the troubleshooting i can find, and can't get IMAP connectivity to work to my Exchange 2013 server.  I have an application that uses IMAP to connect to a mailbox to create and update help tickets.

I get the following in the log:

2014-04-03T14:03:26.236Z,00000000000000C8,2,,,imaptest,95,37,35,login,imaptest *****,"R=""1274136704c94dce NO LOGIN failed."";Msg=User:imaptest:0a2fa0f8-47d9-4ad0-b6a5-8c4853d301d9:SCS_EX2013DB:SCS-VM-EX2013.*****.com;Proxy:SCS-VM-EX2013.****.com:9933:SSL;ProxyNotAuthenticated"

I have tried a few different users, and get the same error with each.

Any ideas??

  • Edited by lapean111 Thursday, April 03, 2014 3:30 PM typo
April 3rd, 2014 5:09pm


To understand more about the issue, Id like to confirm the following information:

  1. The detail error message when you login your account in IMAP mode.
  2. The result when you use telnet to check the IMAP connectivity:

If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.


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April 8th, 2014 11:07pm

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