some of our users create Inbox Rules and redirect messages to an external mail address.
If they send an E-mail from the external adress to the Mailbox to test the Rule, Exchange do not redirect those messages.
It's seems that if the redirect To: Adress ist the Same as the arriving From: Address, Exchang do not process the Rule:
I found somthing about Harmless Recipiant Loops, but i wonder that it is working if i set the Forwarding Smtp Adress via Powershel.
Set-mailbox john -ForwardingSmtpAddress
an he try it again, the user get the message redirectet to
As example INBOX Rule
1) Mailbox John ( has redirect rule (inbox rule) to
2) John send an E-mail from "" to "" the Rule do not Redirect the massage back to john.
3) If somone else send an mail to "" the mail redirection works perfekt
As example: Inobox Rule
" ---------------------------------------->
InboxRule (Redirect is not Working) ### Nothing happen ###
As example "Set-Mailbox" forward via Powershell
" ---------------------------------------->
Set Forwarding Adress<------------------------------------------ Recive own Mail back (working)
Who could explain me the different, between?
AND please do not ask for sense ...