Exchange 2013 Journal Rule Scope


We currently have Exchange 2013 setup with a journal rule to journal all messages to a journal mailbox.  we are having issues since our migration to 2013 with our archiving solution to keep up with archiving these emails and removing them from the journal mailbox.  it seems like exchange is limiting the archiving solution from accessing the mailbox, which leads to a backlog in the mailbox until after business hours.  it then catches up.  to help with this, we were thinking about creating a journal rule for internal emails to go to one mailbox and external emails to go to another.  

my question is what happens when an email has an internal and external recipient in this scenario?  will one of the rules handle this, or does this email get journaled twice (once by each rule)?  


June 17th, 2015 11:31am


I test it in lab. If the email has internal and external recipients, two journal rules will handle this email, but only one journal email will send to Journal mailbox because of the same content.

Best Regards.

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June 17th, 2015 11:10pm

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