I am trying to create an email address policy to create an email address a first.last@domain.com. I want the entire email address as lowercase. I know email address are not case sensitive for Exchange. Corporate wants the email addresses to match users business
cards which are all lowercase.
I used this command to try to get it to work, but it creates an email of First.Last@domain.com. Is there something different that needs to be done in Exchange 2013 compared to Exchange 2007/2010?
Set-EmailAddressPolicy -Identity Policy Name -EnabledPrimarySMTPAddressTemplate SMTP:%rAa%rBb%rCc%rDd%rEe%rFf%rGg%rHh%rIi%rJj%rKk%rLl%rMm%rNn%rOo%rPp%rQq%rRr%rSs%rTt%rUu%rVv%rWw%rXx%rYy%rZz%g.%s@domain.com