Has anyone every ran into a problem, when implementing MAPI/HTTP network settings, Outlook 2013 clients are getting log in popups. Even when inserting username and password nothing happens, same popup reappears? Connection to the exchange server is lost after that. No obvious error event's are logged.
When changing connection back to RPC/HTTP Outlook clients work normally.
OWA and EAS continue to work in MAPI/HTTP, only Outlook 2013 dosent.
We have set the Authentication from NTLM to Negotiate and back, but nothing seems to help.
What helps, and only until you close Outlook, is new outlook profile. If you close Outlook the same password prompt comes back.
Have tried changing [HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA] lmcompatibilitylevel=3 but didnt help.
Any thoughts appreciated.
- Edited by MadOll Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:38 PM