I am doing a test on exchange 2013 server by sending an email from telnet. My domain name is telka.com and I am trying to send an email to gmail.com and its sending without any authentication and my user called jdoe is receiving the mail. Please let us know how to stop this.
telnet mail.telka.com 25
220 esa.mail.telka.com ESMTP
250 esa.mail.telka.com
mail from:susan@gmail.com
250 sender <susan@gmail.com> ok
rcpt to:jdoe@mail.telka.com
250 recipient <jdoe@mail.telka.com> ok
354 go ahead
Subject:Test Email
Hi there this is just a test mail
250 ok: Message 586337 accepted
221 esa.mail.telka.com