Migrated Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013, Here is Envoirnemnt
1- Domain Controller with public and Local IP address
2- Exchange 2013 With Public and Local IP Address
Created host record in DNS name "ab-exchange" and Mapped to Both Local an Public IP of the Exchange Server ( Exchange is also a Domain Controller) named "exchange1"
OWA Working Fine, Configured Everything after Studying too many Tutorials.
When I Configure the MS Outlook, in Exchange Server Name i use the "ab-Exchange" when i click Check now it changes to Exchange Server name i.e "ab-exchange" as all the 400 outlook users use "ab-Exchange" so It don't Connect to Exchange.
What to do so that Users Connect without Changing the Name of Exchange Server name.
I Check Outlook anywhere its Configured with Virtual DNS name.
Attached is the Picture