Exchange 2013 Partition


I Will install a Exchange 2013 on Server 2012.

I want to partition the harddrive.

Should I choose to have C: for Installationfiles and D: for Database and Transaction log files?

it should be like C: Installation files D: Database and E: If not taken from DVD drive for Transactionfiles?

I have a database on 150GB from Lotus Notes, and what I have heard Lotus notes Compress better than Exchange so a 300 GB D: partition for the Databasefiles should be enough if I'm not wrong?

And for the C: Partition how about 100 GB? should be enough for the installation of Server 2012 and Exchange 2013 and Windows Updates for a good period of time? and if we need to expand we just use the unallocated partition and Expand the HDD size.

Thank You!

June 28th, 2013 2:18pm

The recommendation for Exchange 2013 has been changed. The transport database and log files (mail.que) can be easily left in the default location, which is the C drive.

No need to have dedicated spindles/disks for it.

For mailbox databases, you can have multiple databases in the same volume (supported), single volume for both DB & logs (supported) or dedicated volumes for DB and logs (supported).

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June 28th, 2013 4:16pm


Thank You!

So it this Recomendations from MS to have Database and Transaction logs in same?

I can sure make it happend if so, C: for Installation and mail.que then D: for Database and Transaction Logs.

And how about the Groth of the databse and Transaction logs?

It's Estimated 

318 MB Delivered daily 

90 MB Transfered Daily

Thanks Alot!

June 28th, 2013 5:47pm

For sizing the mailbox storage, use the Exchange 2013 calculator.
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July 9th, 2013 10:58am

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