Exchange 2013 Public Folder

I am in the middle of migrating from Exchange 2010 to 2013 but having some problems migrating public folders, but because I only got a few, I decided to move them by PST but now I am not able to create the public folder mailbox on the 2013 server.

new-Mailbox -PublicFolder -Name PFMailbox  

returns ->

An existing Public Folder deployment has been detected. To migrate existing Public Folder data, create new Public Folder mailbox using -HoldForMigration switch.

I can create the PF if I use the switch but the I cannot create any folders

No active public folder mailboxes were found. This happens when no public folder mailboxes are provisioned or they are provisioned in 'HoldForMigration' mode. If you're not currently performing a migration, create a public folder mailbox.

Get-OrganizationConfig | fl PublicFoldersLockedforMigration -> PublicFolderMigrationComplete   : False

Thank you in advance

September 3rd, 2013 2:48pm

If you migrating PFs by PST you can remove Exchange 2010 PFs and stard from scratch. Or use normal procedure - it's rather simple and fast - 10 folders with 500MB data was migrating just few minutes.
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September 3rd, 2013 3:12pm

Thats exactly what I am trying to do, but when trying to create Public folder from scratch I get above error.

September 3rd, 2013 3:37pm

Hi Erik,

Sorry for delayed response.

From your problem description, I recommend you to run the following cmdlet at first:

Set-OrganizationConfig -PublicFoldersLockedForMigration:$true

(Note: If multiple source PF databases, wait Replication Interval 1 hour or so after locking source so they can replicate. Alternatively you can restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service to bypass the waiting time.)

Here is the detailed steps of migrating Public Folders to Exchange 2013 from previous versions for your reference.

Migrate Public Folders to Exchange 2013 From Previous Versions

Hope it helps.

Best regards,

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September 4th, 2013 10:00pm

Hi Erik. Let try

commandNew-Mailbox -PublicFolder "MailboxName" -HoldForMigration:$true Database Mailbox Database of Exchange Server 2013

"MailboxName" must match the name in Mapgen file

Best Regards

September 4th, 2013 11:40pm

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