I am in the middle of migrating from Exchange 2010 to 2013 but having some problems migrating public folders, but because I only got a few, I decided to move them by PST but now I am not able to create the public folder mailbox on the 2013 server.
new-Mailbox -PublicFolder -Name PFMailbox
returns ->
An existing Public Folder deployment has been detected. To migrate existing Public Folder data, create new Public Folder mailbox using -HoldForMigration switch.
I can create the PF if I use the switch but the I cannot create any folders
No active public folder mailboxes were found. This happens when no public folder mailboxes are provisioned or they are provisioned in 'HoldForMigration' mode. If you're not currently performing a migration, create a public folder mailbox.
Get-OrganizationConfig | fl PublicFoldersLockedforMigration -> PublicFolderMigrationComplete : False
Thank you in advance