Have created a SIP URI dial plan so it can be associated with 2013 CAS and MBX servers since telephone extension plans cannot. When creating an AA it must use E.164 format so I assigned it +12222225963. Then used digit modification and properly configured SIP Peer Profile in a Mitel 3300 call route to send the appropriate digits. Wireshark capture shows the call being made to sip:+12222225963@IPofCAS coming inbound.
Also created hunt group using:
new-umhuntgroup -name HuntGroup -pilotidentifier +12222225963 -UMIPGateway Mitel -UMDialPlan 2013DialPlan
What ultimately happens is Exchange 2013 responding with "302 Temporarily Moved"
Can someone tell me if I am doing this right or am missing something in the config?