Exchange 2013 Test-OutlookWebServices broken for accessing 2007 availability services

It appears that the Exchange 2013 Test-OutlookWebServices is broken when trying to test 2007 availability services.  The test fails on the Availability Service as IIS on the 2007 CAS fails with "(500) Internal Error".

[PS] C:\ >Test-OutlookWebServices -ClientAccessServer Exch2007CAS -MailboxCredential $cred -Identity testuser

Source                              ServiceEndpoint                     Scenario                       Result  Latency
------                              ---------------                     --------                       ------  -------
Exch2013MBX.contoso.local Exch2007CAS.contoso.local Autodiscover: Outlook Provider Success      61
Exch2013MBX.contoso.local Exch2007CAS.contoso.local Exchange Web Services          Success      94
Exch2013MBX.contoso.local Exch2007CAS.contoso.local Availability Service           Failure      26
Exch2013MBX.contoso.local Exch2007CAS.contoso.local Offline Address Book           Success       7

Which generate these lines in the 2007 CAS IIS logs:

POST /ews/Exchange.asmx - 443 contoso\testuser Exch2013MBX/Test-OutlookWebServices/testuser@contoso.local 500 0 0 0

Compared to the 2007 CAS IIS logs created Availability Service request issued by the 2007 version of the commandlet.

POST /ews/exchange.asmx SoapAction=GetUserAvailability;AddressCount=1;local=1;intrasiteproxy=0;x-site=0;x-forest=0;PF=0;LocalLongPoleRPCLatency=31;LocalLongPoleRPCCount=9;LocalLongPoleServer=Exch2007MBX.contoso.local;ADMainThreadRequests=2;ADMainThreadLatency=16;TimeInAS=57; 443 contoso\ExchangeAdmin Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+MS+Web+Services+Client+Protocol+4.0.30319.18052) 200 0 0 62

After turning on tracing in IIS, these two parts of the 2013 request's trace stand out.

<t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2010" />


63. -GENERAL_REQUEST_ENTITY <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:soap="">  <soap:Header>    <t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2010" />



153. -GENERAL_RESPONSE_ENTITY_BUFFER <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><t:ServerVersionInfo MajorVersion="8" MinorVersion="3" MajorBuildNumber="298" MinorBuildNumber="1" xmlns:t="" /></soap:Header><soap:Body><soap:Fault><soap:Code><soap:Value>soap:Sender</soap:Value><soap:Subcode><soap:Value xmlns:q0="">q0:ErrorInvalidServerVersion</soap:Value></soap:Subcode></soap:Code><soap:Reason><soap:Text xml:lang="en">The specified server version is invalid.</soap:Text></soap:Reason><detail><e:ResponseCode xmlns:e="">ErrorInvalidServerVersion</e:ResponseCode><e:Message xmlns:e="">The specified server version is invalid.</e:Message > 

And the description of the response code from here:
Indicates that an invalid request server version was specified in the request.

So it looks to me like the 2013 Test-OutlookWebServices puts Exchange 2010 in the web request, and so the Exchange 2007 CAS fails the request with a response of ErrorInvalidServerVersion.

  • Edited by Atamidos Friday, October 25, 2013 9:46 PM
October 25th, 2013 9:44pm


Please directly access the availability service via IE


If it return the right XML file, we can safe ignore the error from the test-OutlookWebService.



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October 28th, 2013 9:30am

Yes, the site works fine.  My point was more that the tool is clearly broken.  I've been trying to troubleshoot a separate issue with 2013->2007 Availability Service communication, and this tool incorrectly generating an error has caused me to lose a lot of time troubleshooting the wrong things.

If someone else has a 2007 + 2013 farm, it'd be useful to know if they also receive the error, or if there is something particular about my environment that is triggering the bug.

October 28th, 2013 12:28pm

I agree the manual test method works by accessing the URL directly.  But it is misleading for troubleshooting, and frustrating that the 2013 test cmdlets don't work with 2007 since that is a supported coexistence scenario (as long as the latest rollups are applied).
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March 28th, 2015 8:15pm

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