Exchange 2013 and DKIM
Exchange 2013 SP1 with 1 DAG and 2 members. We are thinking about using DKIM:
First, is this the recommended DKIM app to use or is there a different/better one? Second, we host many domains on our exchange servers. Is it possible to use DKIM with many domains? Third, if we use DKIM do we need to install DKIM on both exchange servers?
Both servers have all roles installed.
February 22nd, 2015 4:19am
I've no idea about this app but it seems you're exposing your mailbox/CAS server to Internet? It's not a good practice. I would rather add edge servers or 3rd party gateways and setup DKIM on those machines.
February 22nd, 2015 6:25am
I've no idea about this app but it seems you're exposing your mailbox/CAS server to Internet? It's not a good practice. I would rather add edge servers or 3rd party gateways and setup DKIM on those machines.
We dont have the resources to add server(s) for edge. How do others here use DKIM?
February 22nd, 2015 6:34am
In this case I would consider online service such as EOP instead of exposing Exchange server to hackers.
February 22nd, 2015 6:57am
In this case I would consider online service such as EOP instead of exposing Exchange server to hackers.
Proposed as answer by
Simon_WuMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
Monday, February 23, 2015 2:45 PM
February 22nd, 2015 6:57am
1. Any role Exchange 2013 can be install on the Hyper-V.
2. You can connect the role of the Exchange at any moment in your infrastructure, but in the non-business hours, and after prepare network infrastructure and routing.
February 25th, 2015 12:50am