Exchange 2013 and Office Web Apps Server Integration
Hello, I am running Exchange 2013 CU1.  I am trying to configure Office Web Apps Server to work with OWA, but I can't get Exchange to pick up the configuration.  I have set the config using: Set-OrganizationConfig -WACDiscoveryEndPoint  However, my Exchange event logs never record anything in the Application logs of this, 140, 142, or even 141, never get logged.  I have tried iisreset, etc. but Exchange doesn't seem to be doing anything with it?  When I use OWA, the default viewer is used for attachments (not OWAS). Anyone know how to resolve this?  Thx!
April 30th, 2013 2:05am

What is the output of 

Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List WACDiscoveryEndPoint

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April 30th, 2013 6:29am


Lets whether the feature works via internal OWA.


If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

April 30th, 2013 11:54am

Dean, I got the following:



You can elaborate on what you are asking?  If I understand correctly, then no, the feature doesn't work Internally or Externally with OWA.


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April 30th, 2013 3:02pm

I would check to see if the office web app server works when you are inside the office and then check and see if it works when you are outside the office.  you might need to add DNS entries for you office web app server to work

both internally and externally


April 30th, 2013 3:06pm

Dean, we have added DNS entries both internally and externally.  When we navigate to:; we get the WOPI-Discovery XML page, as we should if the server is working.  Thoughts?
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April 30th, 2013 3:09pm

Are you using TMG to publish Exchange?

April 30th, 2013 3:18pm

No, no TMG in the mix.
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April 30th, 2013 3:19pm

did you try forcing the owa vdir to render via Office web app

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory "Servername\owa (Default Web Site)" -ForceWacViewingFirstOnPublicComputers $true -ForceWacViewingFirstOnPrivateComputers $true

May 1st, 2013 6:07pm

I did (and I just tried again), unfortunately no change.  Still no events in the Event Viewer (Success or Fail), and traditional viewer is still used.  Thoughts?
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May 1st, 2013 9:47pm

Is office web app server integrated with anything else? Lync Sharepoint?

have you tried stopping iis server on office web app server and then launching doc..  does it generate an error

any firewalls or anything that could be blocking traffic.

also what type of certificate are you using on the web app server

what is the result of 


May 2nd, 2013 8:21am

Dean, OWAS is in the process of being integrated with Lync 2013, we think this piece is working due to that we got event 41032 in the Lync event log (but curiously did not get 41034, not sure if issue?).  However, we can't fully test this piece yet (soon).

If I shutdown OWAS, Exchange continues to generate docs with its built-in viewer (not OWAS), best I can tell, its not even trying OWAS.

No firewalls in place, servers can successfully talk to each other.

I am using an internal PKI certificate (Web Server Template), that is trusted by both parties (I navigated to the WoIP XML page on the servers and got no certificate errors).

Here is the result:

FarmOU                            :
InternalURL                       :
ExternalURL                       :
AllowHTTP                         : False
SSLOffloaded                      : False
CertificateName                   : OWAS Certificate
EditingEnabled                    : False
LogLocation                       : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS
LogRetentionInDays                : 7
LogVerbosity                      :
Proxy                             :
CacheLocation                     : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\d
MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB            : 75
DocumentInfoCacheSize             : 5000
CacheSizeInGB                     : 15
ClipartEnabled                    : False
TranslationEnabled                : False
MaxTranslationCharacterCount      : 125000
TranslationServiceAppId           :
TranslationServiceAddress         :
RenderingLocalCacheLocation       : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache
RecycleActiveProcessCount         : 5
AllowCEIP                         : False
ExcelRequestDurationMax           : 300
ExcelSessionTimeout               : 450
ExcelWorkbookSizeMax              : 10
ExcelPrivateBytesMax              : -1
ExcelConnectionLifetime           : 1800
ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime    : 300
ExcelAllowExternalData            : True
ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh            : True
OpenFromUrlEnabled                : False
OpenFromUncEnabled                : True
OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled      : True
PicturePasteDisabled              : True
RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs : False
AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections   : False
Machines                          : {OWAS01}

thoughts?  thx!

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May 2nd, 2013 8:07pm

I am having the same issue. No events are logged for 140,141,142 in event viewer after running the set-organizationconfig -wac... command. OWA keeps previewing files with WebReady Document Viewing instead of OWAS. I tried disabling WebReady from OWA, and forcing WACEnable on Public and Private and still nothing.

Any thoughts anyone!?

June 14th, 2013 5:30pm

I ran the Set-OrganizationConfig -WacDiscoveryEndpoint "https://officewebappserverFQDN/hosting/Discovery" commandlet. I did not see any events at the time. I made another Office Web App Server in the hopes that the first one was somehow mis-configured. Re-ran the commandlet, checked the Exchange Logs and still nothing. Left it alone until the next day (left at 5pm from work). Next morning (7am)... it was working! Go figure. I recommend to give your Exchange environment to replicate changes to the rest of the client access servers (assuming you have more than one).
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June 18th, 2013 11:35pm

For me, this kind of fixed itself.  After rebooting all servers (all DAG and all CAS) during a previous maintenance window, it all of a sudden it started working for us.
June 25th, 2013 4:27pm

After restarting all server everything become OK ;-)
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July 20th, 2013 3:43am

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