Exchange 2013 forced reboots


I am having some issues with Exchange 2013 servers blue screening and having forced reboots. The managed availability is blue screening the servers about twice a week. We have 12 Exchange 2013 serevrs and 8 of the servers have this issue. 

I can see in the log events 500 and 502 with managed availability

Recovery Action Started. (ActionId=RestartService, ResourceName="Server name removed", Requester=ActiveDirectoryConnectivityRestart, InstanceId=150122.085108.62160.001, ExpectedToFinishAt=2015-01-22T19:55:08.6216099Z

This is very similar to and i have run the overridewith powershell but it is still occuring.

We are running 2013 cu7 on all the servers and are Windows 2012 R2 virtual servers on Hyper-V.

any ideas?

January 26th, 2015 6:46pm


Did they all start doing it at the same time? perhaps a windows update deployed or bug in CU7?

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January 26th, 2015 8:47pm

Hi sg,

Base on my search, We may need to disable not only the ActiveDirectoryConnectivityRestart responder but also the ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot responder:

Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride -Identity AD\ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot -ItemType Responder -PropertyName Enabled -PropertyValue 0 ApplyVersion 15.0.122.**
Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride -Identity Exchange\ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot -ItemType Responder -PropertyName Enabled -PropertyValue 0 ApplyVersion 15.0.122.** 

After running above cmdlets, please restart Microsoft Exchange Health Manager  service on the servers, then check.

If still not help, disable the "Microsoft Exchange Health Manager service, then check again.

Best regards,

January 27th, 2015 12:20pm

Hi sg,

Is there any update with your issue?

Best regards,

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February 2nd, 2015 1:25am

hi, sorry was off for a few days. will run the powershell commands today and test.

They reboot everyday so should know by tomorrow.

for the other question, they started doing it as soon as i installed Exchange. They were new build servers, so were patched and then Exchange 2013 cu7 was installed

February 3rd, 2015 1:41am

no change after the additional powershell commands. 5 of the 8 servers rebooted overnight. Generally they reboot once a day so i expect the other server will reboot. As the servers are all in a dag (4 dags in 4 different sites) i will disable the health manager service on one of the nodes in each site,  that way service should not be interrupted as hopefully only one node will reboot.

I will leave the other node with the service active and continue working on a fix as just disabling the managed availability is not really a fix.

On our main sites we have four more exchange servers and these do not reboot. All exchange servers were built at the same time and have the same patch levels for O.S. and Exchange.

The only real difference between the sites is the patch levels of the hyper-v hosts as the main site Hyper-V servers  are fully upto date. I will get one of the sites that is having the issue fully patched and see if thst stops it, but if anyone has any other ideas then please let me know.


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February 4th, 2015 4:28am

Hi sg,

From your description, the only difference between the site is the patch levels of the hyper-v hosts as the normal site Hyper-V servers are fully up to date. In your case, it is recommended to upgrade the hyper-v server in the problematic sites and check the result.

Hope this can be helpful to you.

Best regards,

If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

February 8th, 2015 8:51pm

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