I did wind up getting all of the 2007 stuff out of the AD.
I tried various things with the transport service including going through the logs but came to the conclusion that I should get this all uninstalled before trying to fix it. Now on the uninstall it errors out on the language packs. Any idea of
how to get them off? It errors on them saying the v15 folder is in use. Not seeing what is using it. The setup log gives no additional information.
If I can't uninstall this I will need to do a complete server rebuild because I can't uninstall this product on a fresh 2012 R2 server build.
Here is the end of the setup log:
[07/14/2015 21:34:05.0161] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Uninstall-MsiPackage' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'OLINDC01.olin.edu', Preferred Global Catalog: 'OLINDC01.olin.edu', Preferred Domain Controllers:
'{ OLINDC01.olin.edu }'
[07/14/2015 21:34:05.0161] [2] User specified parameters: -ProductCode:'dedffb64-42ec-4e26-7c1a-430e86df378c' -LogFile:'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Uninstall.7C1A.Client.20150714-173107.msilog'
[07/14/2015 21:34:05.0161] [2] Beginning processing uninstall-MsiPackage
[07/14/2015 21:34:05.0161] [2] Removing MSI package with code 'dedffb64-42ec-4e26-7c1a-430e86df378c'.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0937] [2] Ending processing uninstall-MsiPackage
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0953] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0953] [2] Remove Language Packs completed.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0953] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0953] [1] The following 2 error(s) occurred during task execution:
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0953] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0953] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException: Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
$PackageGUIDRegEx = "{DEDFFB[0-9a-fA-F]{2}-42EC-4E26-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-430E86DF378C}";
$InstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\setup').MsiInstallPath;
if(test-path ($regPath))
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info ("Removing " + $RoleLanguagePackType + " Language Packs.");
Get-ChildItem ($regPath) | foreach{
if($_ -match "(?<ProductCode>$PackageGUIDRegEx)") {
$langPackPackageCode = $matches['ProductCode'];
if($langPackPackageCode -ne $null -and $langPackPackageCode.Length -ne
0) {
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info ("Removing package
$language = $langPackPackageCode.Substring(20,4);
$logFilePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($RoleLogFilePath,"Uninstall")
+ '.' + $language + '.' + "Client" + "." + $RoleLogDateTime + ".msilog";
uninstall-MsiPackage -ProductCode ($langPackPackageCode)
-LogFile ($logFilePath);
Remove-Item -Path $InstallPath -Include *.Localized.js -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path $InstallPath -Include *.Localized.min.js -Recurse
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info "Remove Language Packs completed.";
" was run: "Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.".
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] [ERROR] Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] 1. ErrorRecord: Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] 1. ErrorRecord: System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException: Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
$PackageGUIDRegEx = "{DEDFFB[0-9a-fA-F]{2}-42EC-4E26-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-430E86DF378C}";
$InstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\setup').MsiInstallPath;
if(test-path ($regPath))
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info ("Removing " + $RoleLanguagePackType + " Language Packs.");
Get-ChildItem ($regPath) | foreach{
if($_ -match "(?<ProductCode>$PackageGUIDRegEx)") {
$langPackPackageCode = $matches['ProductCode'];
if($langPackPackageCode -ne $null -and $langPackPackageCode.Length -ne
0) {
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info ("Removing package
$language = $langPackPackageCode.Substring(20,4);
$logFilePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($RoleLogFilePath,"Uninstall")
+ '.' + $language + '.' + "Client" + "." + $RoleLogDateTime + ".msilog";
uninstall-MsiPackage -ProductCode ($langPackPackageCode)
-LogFile ($logFilePath);
Remove-Item -Path $InstallPath -Include *.Localized.js -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path $InstallPath -Include *.Localized.min.js -Recurse
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info "Remove Language Packs completed.";
" was run: "Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.".
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] [ERROR] Cannot remove the item at 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' because it is in use.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=LanguagePackUninstallationComponent___9a89e7313d524f298d51c24709f69125 Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[07/14/2015 21:34:07.0969] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[07/14/2015 21:34:08.0031] [1] Ending processing remove-InstalledLanguages
[07/14/2015 21:34:08.0047] [0] The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder.
[07/14/2015 21:34:08.0047] [0] End of Setup