Is anyone using JBOD on exchange journaling servers? If yes, how is that working out for you?
Hi mombu,
Microsoft does not support Exchange server deployed on JBOD storage architecture without DAG. JBOD have two main advantages: full space utilization and cost effective. However, if you lose a single disk in the JBOD then there is a high likelihood that you
will lose data, as the concept of a JBOD does not include not fault tolerance.
So it is important to point out at this stage that JBODs should not be considered if you do not plan to use DAG.
More details about Exchange 2013 storage configuration and
high availability, for your reference:
Best Regards,
Allen Wang
Hi mombu,
There are few documents related to JBOD and Exchange server journaling. Finally, I find an article about
Storage Planning and Testing, for your reference:
Meanwhile, the below article is discussing about Exchange Server 2010 Design and Architecture at Microsoft with a example:
Best Regards,
Allen Wang
- Proposed as answer by Allen_WangJFMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator Monday, January 26, 2015 3:40 PM
- Marked as answer by Mavis_HuangMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator Tuesday, January 27, 2015 4:35 AM
- Unmarked as answer by mombu 10 hours 58 minutes ago
Thanks Allen,
These documents do not specifically call out journal databases. Is there any specific guidance for journaling databases and JBOD, has anyone used it or using it.