Originally my OS/Exchange disk was around 200GB with maybe 50GB free, this was in production with all the users on it. I've been slowly increasing it in 10-15GB increments to the point that its now 365GB with only 40GB free.
My other DAG member server is fine, its only using about 150GB for OS and Exchange.
So on the trouble server I've checked \Logging\ and its only consistently sitting around 30GB as per Microsoft design. The \Transportroles\Logs are only about 4GB
There is 18GB in \TransportRoles\Data\Temp and I could probably delete some of the stuff from over 6 months ago? But the new stuff is only 1GB from the last few days, so this is not the culprit for the continous data increase.
Obviously I store my Logs and DBs on other disks.
Any suggestions on whereelse to look?
Please do not respond with links relevant to people who are having issues/concerns with the fact that the %ExchangeInstallDir%\Logging went from 1GB to 30GB going from Exchange 2010 to 2013. I fully understand that and I am fine with it. %ExchangeInstallDir%\Logging
is not my issue, there is another folder somewhere that is filling up. But I can't find it.