Exchange 2K7
I need to change the name of my Exchange 2007 server
July 14th, 2008 8:39pm
When you rename your server Exchange will not function anymore.
When your server realy need another name then add a second server to your organization with the new name and migrate your environment to the new server.
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July 14th, 2008 9:51pm
Rename the Exchange Server name is not a good method.
The known issue has been reported as below:
Rename operations are not supported when Exchange Server 2007 is installed in a Windows Server 2003 domain. If you rename the domain, and if the domain contains computers that are running Exchange Server 2007, the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service does not start.
The Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service does not start on a computer that is running Exchange Server 2007 after you rename a Windows Server 2003 domain
Besides, if you do need a new Exchange Server name to let it match some settings in your environment, then Peters suggest should be the workaround for this issue.
First you need to install another Exchange Server in the exchange organization and then move mailbox from the old Exchange Server to the new installed one.
Below article can help you to do mailbox Intra-Org migrations.
Exchange 2007 migration overview
Hope it helps.
July 15th, 2008 2:22pm