Exchange 5.5 and MTA N00B Problem
Hello,We are in a migration project and are doing a forward from one Exchange Domain to another Domain.We are running Exchange 5.5 on NT4 and have no clue on how to handle the Exchange server. We will have Exchange Consultants on site on monday but are experiencing major delays in the forwarded mail traffic.We've come to the conclusion that it's the 3.700 mail that "seams" to be stuck in the Server Que of the Message Transfer Agent that is giving us a hard time . However only a handful of the mails seam to be valid "to recipient" mail and the majority has a Originator that is either "MTA" or "Pubilc Information Store". All of these messages have Priority "High". It looks a the Server tries to proccess each message everytime and cause of that we have a problem with delay on the messages being forwarded to the other Domain and have Priority "Normal".So, our question now is, does anyone know what the messages with originator "MTA" and "Pubilc Information Store" is. Are they like system messages that misses some sort of Inbox or what. Can they be deleted? And better yet, where do they come from, cause they are frequent, like three messages every 10 minutes. Any ideas or sugestion would be a big help, thus helping the server survive the weekend.
February 21st, 2008 4:53pm