Exchange CCR Status keeps switching to Suspended
Exchange 2007 SP1 CCR cluster.
We had what appears as a network glitch which caused an ugly failover. Things are back online, and I am not seeing any errors in the App or System log.
But, some of my Storage Groups are listed as Suspended. I do a resume (I have tried both through the Console and through resume-storagegroupcopy) and it flips to Healthy for about 3 seconds and then back to Suspended. Not failed, but suspended.
And this isn't all of my storage groups, just a few.
"Well duh, you had a network issue" you say. Yes... but I don't know where to look. No errors anywhere in the App or System logs (just the information "copy is resuming" nothing after). In the Cluster Admin, it shows
all networks the cluster is using as Up and available.
So any ideas on where I should start looking?
Thanks much
June 4th, 2010 11:34pm
a reseed fixed it.
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June 5th, 2010 1:16am