Exchange Calendar Processing with Conflicting Recurring Meetings

Hi everyone!

I am running Exchange 2013 CU8, and am trying to standardise how our resources handle calendar requests and have observed some interesting behaviour:

My Test resource is setup as follows:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-CalendarProcessing -id ox-meetingtest | fl

AutomateProcessing                  : AutoAccept
AllowConflicts                      : False
BookingWindowInDays                 : 731
MaximumDurationInMinutes            : 1440
AllowRecurringMeetings              : True
EnforceSchedulingHorizon            : True
ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours         : False
ConflictPercentageAllowed           : 10
MaximumConflictInstances            : 10
ForwardRequestsToDelegates          : True
DeleteAttachments                   : True
DeleteComments                      : True
RemovePrivateProperty               : True
DeleteSubject                       : True
AddOrganizerToSubject               : True
DeleteNonCalendarItems              : True
TentativePendingApproval            : True
EnableResponseDetails               : True
OrganizerInfo                       : True
ResourceDelegates                   : {}
RequestOutOfPolicy                  : {}
AllRequestOutOfPolicy               : False
BookInPolicy                        : {}
AllBookInPolicy                     : True
RequestInPolicy                     : {}
AllRequestInPolicy                  : False
AddAdditionalResponse               : False
AdditionalResponse                  :
RemoveOldMeetingMessages            : True
AddNewRequestsTentatively           : True
ProcessExternalMeetingMessages      : False
RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False

With that in mind, I have tried the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

  1. Create a weekly, recurring meeting and set the recurrence to end after 10 occurrences. As expected, the resource accepts all meetings, and the calendar processing takes place (ie the organiser is added to the subject line, and the original subject and the comments are removed)
  2. Then create a daily, recurring meeting and set the recurrence to every weekday and end after 90 occurrences. The resource declines all meetings due to the 10 conflicts it has detected.

Scenario 2

  1. Create a weekly, recurring meeting and set the recurrence to end after 9 occurrences. As expected, the resource accepts all meetings, and the calendar processing takes place (ie the organiser is added to the subject line, and the original subject and the comments are removed)
  2. Then create a daily, recurring meeting and set the recurrence to every weekday and end after 90 occurrences. The resource accepts the meetings where there are no conflicts, and declines the ones where there are conflicts (sending one email per decline, listing all conflicting instances - very annoying but not the issue this post is about) This is as expected with the settings provided. What is not expected, is that on looking the the resource calendar at the accepted daily meeting, none of the calendar processing has taken place - ie the subject is still set to it's original value, without the organiser name inserted, and the comments are still included.

My question is has anyone seen or experienced this before, and is there anything I can do to have the resource process all meetings according to the settings contained in it's configuration?

For reference, I have found the following that relates to Exchange 2010, but nothing that relates to Exchange 2013:

Many thanks in advance!


July 16th, 2015 12:33pm

Please try to use the below command:

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "testroom" -AutomateProcessing Autoupdate -AllRequestOutOfPolicy $False 

please refer to the following link  :

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July 18th, 2015 7:33am

Please try to use the below command:

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "testroom" -AutomateProcessing Autoupdate -AllRequestOutOfPolicy $False 

please refer to the following link  :

July 18th, 2015 11:31am

Please try to use the below command:

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "testroom" -AutomateProcessing Autoupdate -AllRequestOutOfPolicy $False 

please refer to the following link  :

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 18th, 2015 11:31am

Use the Set-MailboxCalendarSettings cmdlet to enable calendar processing for a mailbox.

The Set-MailboxCalendarSettings cmdlet lets you enable calendar processing for a mailbox. You can configure parameters for automatic resource booking or Calendar Attendant processing.

To run the Set-MailboxCalendarSettings cmdlet, the account that you use must be delegated the following:

-Exchange Organization Administrator role

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "5th Floor Conference Room" -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AddOrganizerToSubject $true -DeleteSubject $true

Below is the link details:

July 20th, 2015 2:23am

Hi there, 

Thanks for the response, however, the room has to be able to process meetings by itself, not rely on a delegate (which is not configured).

As I understand it (and have verified by testing), AutoUpdate will just put the meeting in the room's calendar in a tentative state, and await the decision of a delegate as to whether it is accepted or not.

AutoAccept is the setting that ensures the room is supposed to correctly process requests, and indeed does work, when there are no conflicts. The problem is that when there are conflicting meetings, the calendar processing does not seem to take place.



Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 20th, 2015 7:42am

Hi Prem,

Thanks for your response, but it is just telling me to configure the room in the way it is already configured.



July 20th, 2015 7:43am

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