Exchange Database Corruption?
We're using Exchange 2003 and Backup Exec 2010 R2 to do the full backups off the database and receive the following errors when backing up the Exchange 2003 Datastore:
Error category : Resource Errors
Error: e000fedf - A failure occurred reading an object.
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65247
Error: e000032c - The consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange database has failed. You should check for possible data corruption in the Exchange Server that is online.
Agent used: YesAdvanced Open File Option used : Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
I've restarted the information store quite a few times and tried the backups a couple of times and it still fails to backup. Can anyone give me some help on using the eseutil with the proper switches? Also, this is on a production Windows 2003
Server and I want to know in order to use the database checker do I have to be offline in order to perform the operation? Thanks.Bryan
March 25th, 2011 5:42pm
Sure, here is the KB Article:
A few things to note, when you run the defragment it will create the temporary DB in the location you run the ESEUTIL from UNLESS you specify the temp directory location. Two things from this, if you run it locally make sure you have 2X free space over the
total size of your DB's. Ideally you want at least 2.5x to be safe.
In addition, if you run the utility and use a temp location in a different place make sure it is high speed, I have been forced to run it on a USB drive and a 40GB store took 30 hours to run!
Basic steps:
- Dismount DB
- browse to the BIN folder in your exchange store via the command prompt
- run eseutil /d 'DBPath' (example: eseutil /d c:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\Priv1.edb
Here is an excellent article that discusses the eseutil as well as the isinteg tool to verify DB integrity:
Senior Microsoft Consultant
Planet Technologies, Inc.
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March 25th, 2011 6:07pm
no, please do not perform an offline defragmentation! It is not recommended unless there is a lot of free space on the database (event 1221 in Application log). You have to check the integrity of your database. There are two tools working on an exchange
database. The first one is isinteg and the second one is eseutil.
Because the two tools are working on different leyers. Please start at the highest level and use the isinteg command.
The coammnd looks like
isinteg -s ServerName [-fix] [-verbose] [-l LogFilename] -test TestName[[, TestName]...]
if you use the test-name "alltests" then all available tests will be executed on the database. When I have to check my Exchange databases i always run this test.
regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
March 25th, 2011 6:25pm
Thanks for the reply everyone... yes... I don't want to run an offline defrag since my db is over 130gb for the edb and the 56gb for the stm files. It would take days and the corporation would not like me if I did this since I would be offline for
quite few days. Anyway, I wanted to know if you need to be offline (taking the information store offline) when performing this utility?
Once I run this isinteg -s ServerName [-fix] [-verbose] [-l LogFilename] -test TestName[[, TestName]...]
line, and there is an issue will it automatically correct the problem or issues with the db?
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March 25th, 2011 6:34pm
Yes, the store needs to be offline to run an Isinteg check. And yes the isinteg will attempt to automatically fix any corruption based on the switches you run against it. On a side note I have seen cases where that utility has to be run a couple of times
to clean and re-clean corruption. But that is usually in extreme cases.
Good luck!
Senior Microsoft Consultant
Planet Technologies, Inc.
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March 25th, 2011 6:38pm
Does it take a long time to run the Isinteg? I might have to plan for a late night in order to have it happen. Should I also backup the db before I run it and do I have to have two times the hard drive space in order to run it?Bryan
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March 25th, 2011 6:45pm
There are several variables involved, including your system specs, other apps running, etc. But given the size of your DB I'd say its safe to say it will be several hours to run the utility. I have seen it run anywhere from 1-2 hours to 8+ hours on really
bad machines. I think you should be fine on disk space. Isinteg creates a file called refer.mdb but it is just a reference table for comparing information during the repair process. And I am sure it goes without saying, but make sure before you run the utilty
that you have a solid backup of your production DB.
Senior Microsoft Consultant
Planet Technologies, Inc.
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March 25th, 2011 6:51pm
Okay so when I take it offline I just have to copy the *.edb and *.stm files over to another drive? Are these all the files I need to backup when performing the util? As stated before I have the Backup Exec System to backup but you can see how
that went above... :(
We have a pretty good machine as far as the server goes an HP Proliant Server Virtualized with plenty of mem so I'm not too worried about the physical specs.Bryan
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March 25th, 2011 7:00pm
Yeah, worst case I'd make a backup copy of the EDB and STM files to another drive, or maybe try to do a windows backup of the store to see if you have more success. You'll have to have the store dismounted to copy those files.
Senior Microsoft Consultant
Planet Technologies, Inc.
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March 25th, 2011 7:02pm
Hey. isinteg will not automatically fix problems unless you give the parameter -fix
isinteg -s ServerName [-fix] [-verbose] [-l LogFilename] -test TestName[[, TestName]...]
It taks a log time, and depends on the size of your database and the performance of the harddisk subsystem.
I think that it is recommended to make a backup befor starting database repair operations. So please copy the content of the edbfilepath and logfolderpath to a diffrent location or use your backupprogram.
regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
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March 25th, 2011 8:11pm
Hi Bryan,
is it working. Or what´s your decision doing next?
regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
March 26th, 2011 12:09am
I actually did another call Symantec and opened a ticket. We ran some tests and looked at the logs. We're finidng out that the errors are coming from the Public store. We don't really use it much so I'm not too worried about it. I
will update you when I find out a little more on this. I'm going to try another run on the backups tonight after the work environment is down. The AV might be causing some of the dilemma so we'll see what happens.
Can anyone of you explain to me what is the difference between the edb and stm files? What do each hold?
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March 26th, 2011 1:43am
When a mail is transmitted from the internet to your Exchngeserverr it is stored in the stm file (internet streaming file) . Messages transfered between two Exchange mailboxes are stred in the edb file (also call MAPI Database). If a user reads an mail from
internet it is also transfered to the stm file. Both files ork together. If you only have got one of these is it not worth mutch.
If you need further reading on the database architecture you will find some deeper information on
regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
March 26th, 2011 2:23pm
Hi Bkuser,
Any update for your issue?
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March 28th, 2011 12:22pm
We went ahead and created another backup and restarted services a day later on just the public store. At first there were errors but again, we restarted the Symantec Backup Exec Services. The Public Store backed up completely. I went
ahead and backed up the entire Exchange Datastore including the Public folders and everything was backed up correctly. I have a call into Symantec checking to see if possible the services for Symantec could have been the culprit. Anyway, I'm not
sure but is it possible that Exchange corrected itself with the daily maintenance defrag? Our issue is resolved. Thanks for all the help everyone.
March 28th, 2011 5:03pm