Exchange Email Relay error
I've setup of new exchange 2010 with mail marshal as gateway.
i'm getting error as
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay if i mail to the specific test user and same from the test user i'm getting error while sending mail 'Relay Denied'
What should i check to rectify this
March 28th, 2012 3:00am
i did the following to get this worked...
Exchange Management Console --> Server Configuration --> Hub Transport. (Dont touch the default receive connector)
click in the Receive connectors pane and select new receive connector.
Give it some name like "Relay" from Customer from the drop down list.
Click next.
Remote Network settings --> Delete all the IP and
add only IP which you would like to authorize to relay e-mail from your
server . Click next . click new. Click Finish
From the new receive connector properties:
On the Permission Groups tab : only select Exchange servers.
On Authentication tab : Only select "Externally Secured (for example, with IPSsec).
Click OK and try to relay emails through your server.
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March 28th, 2012 4:11pm