Exchange IIS virtual Directories issue
Hi all,
I have a problem with my Exchange IIS virtual directories.
To be honest, I broke it.
I tried to migrate a website from another server to the IIS on my exchange server, and when doing that, it deleted the default website and replaced it with the site form the other server.
So, I deleted the website, and created a new one with all the virtual directories exchange uses (copied from another exchange server) and the EMC and powershell works now, but owa does not, I get the error HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. when
I try to browse there.
I have tried copying the dll's from inetsrv folder on another server and re-creating the owa vDirectory.
Any idea what could be wrong, is there a way for me to repair exchange IIS settings?
1 Domain controller
1 Exhchange server
Thank you
November 13th, 2011 4:58am