Exchange IMAP NAMESPACE support
have a question regarding Exchange server's IMAP support. I want to
write a client application that talks to the exchange server using
IMAP. The client application should authenticate with the server using
a super user account and then should be able to select/scan individual
user mailboxes and then if an event of interest has happened on the
selected folder than it would send a notification out to the client
with the contents of that event (i.e. e-mail arrived).Now, the
key to this problem is to be able to authenticate as a super user and
being able to scan user mailboxes using the super user credentials. I
want to do that so that i maintain a pool of connections with the
exchange server as against one authenticated imap connection with
individual user credentials. Now, on the exchange server, I can pretty
much create a mailbox and give me the read privs at the mailbox store
level. All is fine until then, the problem is that when i then execute
an imap namespace command to find out how i should select other user's
mailboxes, exchange server doesn't tell me anything. The
question is, does exchange server support namespaces in that if a
client executes a namespace command (having authenticated as a super
user), can it somehow expect to see a response from the server in which
the second argument (which in IMAP should be the namespace for OTHER
user's mboxes) contains other user's mbox namespace. If this is not
possible, how can an super user who has access to all the folders,
select individual user mailboxes.
March 2nd, 2007 10:16pm