Hey guys,
So this is my scenario,
We have a few clients running Exchange 2013 CU7, with these clients we have a global journaling rule configured. The problem is that this is capturing all the heath submission mails as well. Since the health submission mails are run every 5 mins there is a huge number of extra none relevant emails.
We have followed the following articles and created dynamic distribution lists:
When we select the Distribution list with all our users in under the journal rule, Only the administrator's emails are journaled.
We have a lot of clients using exchange 2013 but not CU7 they don't seem to have this issue. So maybe the bug came back as I know this issues was in the RTM and CU1/2.
When using a static distribution list it does seem to work intermittently. But this is a problem if new users are added. In addition we have found we needed to restart the transport service when new users where added.
Has anyone got any ideas on this? We are going to try CU8 and see if this has been fixed.
As always thanks for your help in advance :)