Exchange Mail OWA page opening Question
I have a question , if I have a scenario of Front end and Back end exchange server and I am facing the problem of too slow opening page of OWA , what could be the issue??
November 18th, 2007 6:17am
OWA rendering is done on your backend server, the FE just serves up the page, so I'd start by looking at 1. network performance. 2. BE performance, then FE performance.
A good test is to be on the same subnet with your be server and hit owa directly to it HTTP://beserver/exchange and see if its slow, then work your way out from there.
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November 19th, 2007 7:15pm
Thanks for reply.
BE is working fine , but when I am trying to open OWA using FE then it takes a time to oepn the page.
November 20th, 2007 5:21am
you've got the problem well isolated then. Check the network connection between be/fe for packet loss, high RTT etc. Also run perfmon on the FE server to see if something is not performing up to snuff.
I'd also reccomend the running these two tools:
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November 20th, 2007 6:51pm