Exchange Mailbox Move
Hi all
Recently I moved around 80 mailboxes to a second storage group in order to resolve some issues we where having.
This sg should now be empty, when I run the filter through EMC the database shows as empty. When I run a PS against the DB it still shows a number of user mailboxes within the database.
Please can you pass on any cleanup methods or experiences of this.
Exch 2007 sp1 latest rollup running a SCC.
August 18th, 2008 10:47am
Which command do you run in PS to get list of mailboxes?
Try this to get the list of mailboxes..
Get-MailboxDatabase Servername\MailboxStoreName | Get-Mailbox
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August 18th, 2008 11:05am
Hi is use
get-mailboxstatistics -database "Servername\sg\database"
This will bring back a list of mailboxes that should not be in this db.
Get-MailboxDatabase Servername\MailboxStoreName | Get-Mailbox
comes back empty.
August 18th, 2008 11:14am
Get-MailboxStatistic gives statistic about mailbox store, that would have taken information from cache or you can run below command to see if it gives the result of disconnected mailboxes.
Get-MailboxStatistic database Server\SG\DB| Where {$_.DisconnectDate -ne $null}
You can run to see if any users are still active on that DB (if disconnected date equal to null then it is active mailbox soresult of below command shouldbe emptly in your case)
Get-MailboxStatistic database Server\SG\DB| Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null}
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August 18th, 2008 12:47pm