Exchange Managment Powershell
I setup the last days an OCS 2007R2 Server on an Server 2008R2 server with an AD and an Exchange server 2010 on an Server 2008R2. Nothing worried, but the managament tool of Exchange 2010 crashed, i have no acces to the powershell managment tool with an system Administration Account. I watched in iis the powershell appool and everything was fine. IS here an solution for?? Sorry for my bad english!
March 19th, 2010 11:17am
Local PowerShell has been replaced by remote PowerShell on Mailbox, Hub Transport, Client Access and Unified Messaging server roles now. It's still used on Edge Transport servers of Exchange.If you want to enable a user for remote PowerShell, open the Exchange Management Shell as the user that was used to install Exchange 2010 and enable additional users for remote PowerShell using the Set-User -RemotePowerShellEnabled command.
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March 19th, 2010 11:39am
i get the next error i made an printscreen
March 19th, 2010 11:51am
This link may be helpful in resolving opssession open failed error as shown in the image
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March 19th, 2010 1:14pm
How about your question? Any updates?
"i have no access to the powershell managment tool with an system Administration Account."
You must be a member of a management role group or be directly assigned a management role that enables the user to run Exchange cmdlets.
And ask exchange administrator to enable your account with cmdlet:
Set-User user -RemotePowerShellEnabled $True
More information:
Enable Remote Exchange Management Shell for a User Wang
March 24th, 2010 10:12am