Exchange OWA not showing page properly
I have SBS 2003 R2 with Exchange SP2 running. OWA works fine and the web page shows properly internally. External access to OWA works but the html page does not load properly. You can see all the "Inbox, Contacts, etc." but none of the graphics. It looks more like unload images cming through. All the logons work fine it is just the graphics and loading of the html page. When I logon internally the graphics and html page loads fine. I have reloaded SP2 for Exchange and reset the permissions with IIS but still no luck.Any help would be appreciated.
August 12th, 2007 4:58am
I have the same issue here. SBS SP1 with Exchange SP1. SSL is not installed for OWA
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August 14th, 2007 5:21pm
I had a simular issue with backend front end servers, the fix was make sure all were up to date SP security etc.
internal is ok external is the problem how are you accessing externally, firewall may be stoping images etc.
hope thisk give you a few pointers.
August 14th, 2007 6:06pm