Exchange Permission
Hello :I dont know if in exchange server 2003 we have permissions to delete a message but only for this purpose. I have several users that I need that thay can see , forward and reply messages but not delete messages in Outlook client.I'm trying to change permissions but nothing happens.Any idea???Thanks in advance.AM
October 30th, 2008 12:24pm
You can assign delegate access to the users from within Outlook and choose the Author role. This will limit users to reading items and creating new items, but they will not be able to modify (or delete) any existing items.
Check the Help file for Outlook on details for configuring Delegates.
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October 30th, 2008 7:58pm
Whether the users need have this permission on their email, if it is, that could not be achieved.
November 3rd, 2008 8:33am