Hi ,
Thank you for your question.
This error means Get-CalendarProcessing has been exited in Mail Recipients Automation Mgmt. it mean we could use the parameter of -DomainController in Get-CalendarProcessing. If you could not use the parameter of -DomainController, You could post
error when we user the parameter of -DomainController in Get-CalendarProcessing.
If you just want to use the parameter of -DomainCtroller, we could refer to the following two steps:
Remove Get-CalendarProcessing from Mail Recipient Auitomation Mgmt:
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry Mail Recipients Automation Mgmt\Get-CalendarProcessing
2. Then we add the parameter -DomainController in Get-CalendarProcessing:
Add-ManagementRoleEntry Mail Recipients Automation Mgmt\Get-CalendarProcessing parameters DomainController
If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know.
Best Regard,