Exchange Replication
Hello People, I am after some help, we are running a fairly large AD organizationwith three Windows 2003 Std domain controllers - in the centre of this are two Exchange 2003 mail servers.As time progresses and the site gets bigger with more mailboxes we arefinding that it is taking an increase amount of time for the Exchangereplication to take place even though the sites our domain controllersare on are linked by 100MB leased lines. We are aware that AD replication can take up to 15 minutes but we are finding Exchange Replication is taking far long that this, for exampleI just created a resource calender which all people in my site can see but it is in excess of 40 minutes before someone in a site (on a different domain controller) can see this calendar.Can anyone please advise on how to speed Exchange Replication up. Many thanks
June 28th, 2007 4:53pm