Exchange SBS 2003 - Distribution Group member limit
Hi guys,Do you have any ideaif SBS Exchange 2003 is setting any limit on the number of members it can have in it? I'm at 103 right now and exchange threw back the following error: "The e-mail system limits the number of recipients that can be addressed in a single message. Send the message multiple times to fewer recipients."I was wondering if this is adjustable anywhere in Exchange? If not, I can probably create multiple distribution groups to get away with it.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!
June 12th, 2009 6:50pm
This seems to be recipient limit on a message. Check it at below couple of places...
How to Set the Global Recipient Limit
How to Set the Per-User Recipient Limit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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June 12th, 2009 7:22pm
This error pop up when true below conditions 1) You configure recipient limits in your Microsoft Exchange organization. 2) The user sends the e-mail message to the maximum number of recipients that the recipient limit specifies. 3) You have message archiving configured in your Exchange organization. Message archiving is also known as message journaling. Check below configurations in your exchange server ==========================================
Start Exchange System Manager.
Expand Global Settings , right-click Message Delivery , and then click Properties .
Click the Defaults tab.
Under Recipient limits , type the new recipient limit in the Maximum (recipients) box.
More Information ===========
June 12th, 2009 7:27pm
Awesome, it did the trick. Thank you!
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June 12th, 2009 11:51pm