Exchange Search Indexing not updating
We have an Exchange 2010 environment with a DAG consisting of 2 mailbox servers. There is only 1 database shared between them that is close to 300GB. I'm trying to run the search indexer against this database. I have followed instructions
online to clear the current catalog and start rebuild. According to the event logs the rebuild starts and CPU usage is close to 100%. The problem is that it seems to do nothing after creating a handful of files right away that equals less than
500K. I can understand a database of this size is going to take a while to index, but even 3-4 hours later the size of the indexing folder isn't much larger than 500K. If I do an EXMON, I can see that the full text indexer is searching through
mailboxes. Should this not be moving faster? Should I not at least see the data in the indexed folder growing?
June 9th, 2011 6:07pm
Yes, Creating an index for a large information store (several gigabytes of data) may require quite a few days for the initial population. Subsequent
incremental populations could also be slow, depending on the amount of information that has change in the database.
In my environment, it will also take hours to for a 30GB database to complete the rebuild.
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June 13th, 2011 1:21am