Exchange Server 2003 problem
Hi there,
I have an issue where i cannot get emails on my iPhone through exchange server 2003.
I have enabled all the mobile services in the Exchange Server manager, and i followed all of the steps on the iPhone to receive emails from the exchange. But still it keeps on showing that it cannot connect to the server. I can receive internal emails and
web emails but not external emails....the problem is i cannot synchronize my iPhone to the exchanger server 2003. Can someone pls tell me step by step what i can do or where have i gone wrong???
Thank you
August 26th, 2012 10:49pm
what is IOS of your iphone? Can you try it by windows os mobile phone?
1. You can check your setting of exchange and ISA.You can read this
blog1 and
blog 2.
2. You also need to install the
Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Administration Web Tool, which can remove Partnerships, initiate remote wipes and check transaction log entries. Here's a tutorial : Yu
TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 27th, 2012 10:54pm
what is IOS of your iphone? Can you try it by windows os mobile phone?
1. You can check your setting of exchange and ISA.You can read this
blog1 and
blog 2.
2. You also need to install the
Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Administration Web Tool, which can remove Partnerships, initiate remote wipes and check transaction log entries. Here's a tutorial : Yu
TechNet Community Support
August 27th, 2012 10:57pm