Exchange Server 2007 (in SBS 2008)
I am stuck in a loop. I tried uninstalling Exchange 2007 on a Windows 2008 Small Business Server standard edition a long time ago because my customer was not going to utilizing Exchange, now 2 years later the customer wants to start using an Exchange Server.
When I tried uninstalling I got errors that the data stores had to be removed in order to install Exchange, so I went online and read how to remove the database stores. I removed them, now when I try to uninstall I receive an error that I cannot because the
Exchange Information Store service is not running, well it's not running because I removed the stores and now I cannot start the service. I tried installing and repairing Exchange and get the same errors. Is their any detailed instructions for how to clean
up and start over on an Exchange install?
November 9th, 2011 4:19pm