Exchange Server 2007 Backup on Windows 2008
Hi Experts I have just installed windows server 2008 and exchange 2007 on new dell server. Previously, i have used windows server 2003 and exchange 2003 and the backup was done using NTBackup, but with windows 2008 NTBackup is not available. After searching through google, i have an article how to run NTBackup on Win 2008 but i am not sure if it safe on production to do regular backup or should i purchase backup software such as Backup Exec v12.0. Any suggestion reference to taking backup for exchange 2007 on Windows 2008? Kind Regards BhaveshBhavesh
November 9th, 2009 12:39pm

Hi Experts, Sorry, Forgotten add the link to NTBackup for Windows 2008. Please advise? Kind Regards BhaveshBhavesh
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November 9th, 2009 12:40pm

see this post Raj
November 9th, 2009 12:49pm

Hi Bhavesh,Please upgrade to Exchange 2007 SP2, then you could use Windows Server Backup to do the job. Exchange Volume Snapshot Backup Functionality - A new backup plug-in has been added to the product that will enable customers to create Exchange backups when a backup is invoked through the Windows Server 2008 Backup tool. Exchange Server 2007 didn't have this capability on Windows Server 2008 and additional solutions were required to perform this task. Thanks,Elvis
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November 10th, 2009 11:48am

Hi Elvis Thanks for your reply. I have already upgraded the exchange 2007 to SP2, but i only have option to backup a drive i.e. C or D. I am not getting options like NTBackup. Exchange is installed on system drive C and database resides on D drive. Kind Regards BhaveshBhavesh
November 10th, 2009 12:07pm

Hi Bhavesh, You need to backup the entire D:. There are some changes when using Windows Server Backup to backup Exchange. Please refer to the following article: Using Windows Server Backup to Back Up and Restore Exchange Data How to Perform a Backup of Exchange Using Windows Server Backup Thanks, Elvis
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November 10th, 2009 12:50pm

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