Exchange Server 2007 Shell
Does anyone know the usage of exchange shell to export-mailbox items -server servername -Identity username -database databasename -targetmailbox mailboxname -targetfolder foldernameintargetmailbox?
I have tried get-mailbox -server servername -database databasename -identity | export-mailbox -targetmailbox mailboxname -targetfolder foldernameintargetmailbox but it did not work. The get-mailbox will only allow me to use one switch option for
instance get-mailbox -server servername or get-mailbox -Identity username but not together. We have 3 email servers and numerous databases on each mail server so I need to be able to select multiple options to pass to the export-maibox command.
Need syntax help.
December 10th, 2010 4:00pm
get-mailbox -server <server name> will get all the mailboxes from all databases on the server <server name>.
Get-mailbox -database <server\storagegroup\database> will get all the mailboxes on a specific database.
Get-mailbox -identity will get the mailbox for users who's name matches that identity spec (eg rob*) regardless of what server/database they're on.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
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December 10th, 2010 4:23pm