I am trying to make use of LoadGen 2013 in an Exchange 2013 environment. Initially I started with LoadGen on a different machine (same domain) and then moved LoadGen to the exchange server itself.
When I select the number of mailboxes greater than 20 I get an error message that it is fixing the user count to 20.
If I set it to 19 or 20 I dont get the message.
StoreBuilder.General Error: 0 : 12/01/2014 01:32:39 -- Diagnostic context (user: '87e4cd54-add7-4ca0-8365-66ee438a5b0a'):
distinguishedName 'CN=EXCHANGE1 CA868A55-LGU000042,OU=Exchange1Store,OU=Users,OU=LoadGen Objects,DC=NST,DC=NET', exchServerDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE1', userDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange
Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=CA868A55-LGU000042', mailNickName 'CA868A55-LGU000042', emailAddress 'CA868A55-LGU000042@NST.NET'.
StoreBuilder.General Error: 0 : 12/01/2014 01:32:39 -- Diagnostic context (user: '87e4cd54-add7-4ca0-8365-66ee438a5b0a'):
distinguishedName 'CN=EXCHANGE1 CA868A55-LGU000042,OU=Exchange1Store,OU=Users,OU=LoadGen Objects,DC=NST,DC=NET', exchServerDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE1', userDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange
Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=CA868A55-LGU000042', mailNickName 'CA868A55-LGU000042', emailAddress 'CA868A55-LGU000042@NST.NET'.
Engine.General Warning: 0 : 12/01/2014 01:32:39 -- Caught a non-fatal exception in executeTaskStub. The exception was handled by the task module: Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionNetworkError: MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80004005,
Diagnostic context:
Lid: 16280 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
Lid: 8600 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3644
Lid: 12696 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 0414-12-01T09:32:39.9530000Z
Lid: 10648 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 14
Lid: 14744 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: -1073606646
Lid: 9624 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 1380
Lid: 13720 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0
Lid: 11672 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
Lid: 12952 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 12175
Lid: 8856 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[1]: Unicode string: /rpc/rpcproxy.dll?d0d142f3-93fe-4a88-97e2-ab2124805482@NST.NET:6001
Lid: 62184
Lid: 16280 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
Lid: 8600 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3644
Lid: 12696 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 0414-12-01T09:32:39.9530000Z
Lid: 10648 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 14
Lid: 14744 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: 65536
Lid: 9624 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 1385
Lid: 13720 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0
Lid: 11672 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
Lid: 12952 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 8
Lid: 13976 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[1]: Binary buffer[size=788]
Lid: 62184
Lid: 16280 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
Lid: 8600 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3644
Lid: 12696 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 0414-12-01T09:32:39.9370000Z
Lid: 10648 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 13
Lid: 14744 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: 14
Lid: 9624 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 3001
Lid: 13720 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0
Lid: 11672 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
Lid: 12952 dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 12180
Lid: 59505 StoreEc: 0x977
Lid: 50544 ClientVersion: 15.0.805.0
Lid: 52080 StoreEc: 0x977
Lid: 51152
Lid: 52465 StoreEc: 0x977
Lid: 60065
Lid: 33777 StoreEc: 0x977
Lid: 59805
Lid: 52487 StoreEc: 0x977
Lid: 19778
Lid: 27970 StoreEc: 0x977
Lid: 17730
Lid: 25922 StoreEc: 0x977
at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.InternalThrowIfErrorOrWarning(String message, Int32 hresult, Boolean allowWarnings, Int32 ec, DiagnosticContext diagCtx, Exception innerException)
at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, IExInterface iUnknown, Exception innerException)
at Microsoft.Mapi.ExRpcConnectionFactory.Create(ExRpcConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiStore.OpenMapiStore(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid guidMailbox, Guid guidMdb, String userName, String domainName, String password, String httpProxyServerName, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag
storeFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean wantRedirect, String& correctServerDN, ClientIdentityInfo clientIdentity, String applicationId, Client xropClient, Boolean wantWebServices, Byte[] clientSessionInfo, TimeSpan connectionTimeout, TimeSpan callTimeout,
Byte[] tenantHint)
at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiStore.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, String userName, String domainName, String password, String httpProxyServerName, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag storeFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo,
WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity, String applicationId)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.MapiCommon.MapiStoreUtil.<>c__DisplayClass2.<OpenMailbox>b__0()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.MapiCommon.MapiStoreUtil.OpenMailbox(User user, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlags)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuilder.Builder.EnsureMailboxStore(User user)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuilder.Builder.BuildInboxRules(User user)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuilder.Builder.BuildMailboxStore(User user)
Could you please let me know a solution.