Since upgrading from SP1 to CU7 I'm noticing periodic crashes when users send large files. This latest time, two 25 to 31 MB messages were sent within 10 minutes. The second 31 mb file caused the server to crash (or in microsofts words delay, in my book no mail flow equals crash.)
Each time I've seen 15004 events stating the following.
The resource pressure increased from Normal to Medium.
The following resources are under pressure:
Version buckets = 132 [Medium] [Normal=80 Medium=120 High=200]
The following components are disabled due to back pressure:
Inbound mail submission from the Internet
Mail submission from Pickup directory
Mail submission from Replay directory
Mail delivery to remote domains
Content aggregation
Mail resubmission from the Message Resubmission component.
Mail resubmission from the Shadow Redundancy Component
The following resources are in normal state:
Queue database and disk space ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue\mail.que") = 32% [Normal] [Normal=95% Medium=97% High=99%]
Queue database logging disk space ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue\") = 32% [Normal] [Normal=95% Medium=97% High=99%]
Private bytes = 4% [Normal] [Normal=71% Medium=73% High=75%]
Physical memory load = 82% [limit is 94% to start dehydrating messages.]
Submission Queue = 0 [Normal] [Normal=2000 Medium=4000 High=10000]
Temporary Storage disk space ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Temp") = 32% [Normal] [Normal=95% Medium=97% High=99%]
We have had user's size limits set to 30MB. I've re-examined the size settings throughout exchange and made sure they match.
I've read in some places just to increase the threshold, but microsoft says to leave the defaults if you can and find the underlying issue. I've also read on another blog someone was able to fix similar issues by replacing the edgetransport.exe.config.
Here's the blog: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c3d300c5-473f-4ab3-8df2-e85c0ea2ed99/backpressure-activated-after-exchange-cu5-installversion-buckets?forum=exchangesvrsecuremessaging
I'm rather skeptical of replacing the config file.... Anyone have experience changing the version bucket thresholds?