Exchange Server 2013 Logs Out of Control
I have a fairly new install of Exchange Server 2013 running in full production. Everything has been great except for the high level of log files that are generated on a daily basis. I am able to truncate the Transaction logs everyday with a Server Backup,
but that still does not help me with the other constantly growing log files in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging. Is there any way to set these to automatically purge after a set amount of days? I have found resources that discuss setting
up a powershell script that will delete everything after a set amount of days, but I want to know if anything in Exchange 2013 will allow me to do this. I am getting tired of expanding my VM disk. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
April 9th, 2015 11:20am
Unfortunately Exchange 2013 creates alot of log files that it does not clean up on it's own. While there isn't a way to tell Exchange to clean up the files after X number of days, there is a very helpful script someone else has already written that does the work for you. He has 2 versions, 1 that you have to put on each individual server (I like that one in case I lose the server I put the script on) or 1 that you can run on 1 server that takes care of all of your Exchange Servers.
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April 9th, 2015 11:38am
I just setup a scheduled task for remove the older log files. It has already freed up 10+GB. Thank you.
April 9th, 2015 12:51pm
We just recently did that too and it has been helpful with clearing up space
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April 9th, 2015 1:32pm