Exchange Shell and DNS issue
Hi All,Hope you are doing well.I got a CCR cluster with two nodes.When I type the following cmdlt I got this error:Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus : Exchange server "ex1" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.At line:1 char:27+ Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus <<<< -Server ex1
It looks like the Exchange shell cant resolve the dns name of the node 1 (ex1).I get this message on my test lab and on production.
P.SAll systems are Exchange 2007 SP2.
October 15th, 2009 3:52am
hi, please copy the axact error.and try belowGet-StorageGroupCopyStatus -Identity MBX\SG1 The second code example describes how to get the copy status SG1 on server MBX.identity :
The Identity parameter takes one of the following values:
Name of the storage group
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October 15th, 2009 7:13am
Hi Syed,Here is the axact error:[PS] C:\Scripts>Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus -Identity mbx\ex1Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus : The operation could not be performed because object 'mbx\ex1' could not be found on domain controller ''.At line:1 char:27+ Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus <<<< -Identity mbx\ex1
October 15th, 2009 7:21am
HI, The error may occur if there’s an issue on AD replication, is the cmdlet working now?
Is there any error/warning event VIEWER in the application log?
Please run the ExBPA for health check against the exchange servers.Now have you checked the server object name in active directory ,check by nslookup and verify that it is resolving your computer object name .(ex1).check its computer object present in all active directory server .RegardsSyed Arsalan.
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October 15th, 2009 10:30am
try this. pick up the DN of that storage group that you are trying to access and put that in the input of the cmdlet and see if that works for would not have to do that in all cases, but should tell you if there are any issues with accessing the SG itself from AD..
October 15th, 2009 10:33am