Exchange Timezone Update Tool Mishap Question
This past weekend, we ran the Exchange Timezone Update Tool and unfortunately, the workstation DST (winxp sp2) updates failed - the update tool ran fine, but now my users have : calendar appts that are off by 1 hour during the 2 week difference (3/11-4/1), duplicate calendar entries - the original plus an updated which is an hour later, and some entries that were moved up an hour that aren't between the dates of 3/11-4/1.
Even though we apply the xp patch afterwards, it doesn't change.
Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!
Will re-running the ETZupdate tool after all the wks's have been patched cure the issue?
Thank you in advance.
February 26th, 2007 8:36pm
What account did you use to run the tool? We can't seem to get the tool to work using the account we have that can open all mailboxes. Did you run the script at the end of kb930879?
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February 27th, 2007 7:13pm
We ran the tool under an administrative account - we didn't run the script for permissioning the user
I can tell you that this user has Exchange Full admin rights on the Exchange Site - At the site level under Delegate control... I'm pretty sure it's not best practices but you could always add it and then remove it after update tool is run....
February 27th, 2007 8:11pm