Hi everybody
The following mail considered as spam (flase positive) by Exchange Edge server 2013 and moved to spam quarantine folder. While analyzing the header I didn't see any thing wrong with the sender. Any ideas?Thanks in advance
Delivery of this message to the following recipients or groups is quarantined:
Subject: eOoredoo Bill notification
Diagnostic information for administrators:
Generating server: Edge01.1234web.net.nl
Remote Server returned '550 5.2.1 Content Filter agent quarantined this message'
Original message headers:
Received: from smtp-out1.ooredoo.qa ( by Edge01.1234web.net.nl
( with Microsoft SMTP Server id 15.0.995.29; Thu, 26 Mar 2015
12:04:36 +0300
Message-ID: <7ad34c$cmglg@smtp-out1.ooredoo.qa>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 09:04:12 +0000
From: e-ooredoo <e-ooredoo@ooredoo.qa>
Subject: eOoredoo Bill notification
To: <mwafeeq@1234web.net.nl>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Return-Path: e-ooredoo@ooredoo.qa
Received-SPF: Pass (Edge01.1234web.net.nl: domain of
designates as permitted sender) receiver=Edge01.1234web.net.nl;
client-ip=; helo=smtp-out1.ooredoo.qa;