Exchange Warnings
Good afternoon all,
I'm not very knowledgeable in this area as I have never done it before but I'm currently attempting to install Microsoft Exchange 2007 on a Server 2008 R2 server. It's installed and I have a user connected to it (added an exchange account into
Outlook) but that is as far as I have gotten. Exchange connects to AD perfect and all that but not sure if I have to manually create the mail boxes inside exchange (Recipient Configuration - > Mailbox).
The main question I need help with is every time I open Exchange Management I get the following errors;
Microsoft Exchange Warning
The following warning(s) were reported while loading topology information:
The virtual directory "Exchange (Default Web Site)" is not configured correctly. This server has the Mailbox server role installed, so HTTP compression must be disabled. You can use the IIS Manager to disable compression.
The virtual directory "Public (Default Web Site)" is not configured correctly. This server has the Mailbox server role installed, so HTTP compression must be disabled. You can use the IIS Manager to disable compression.
The virtual directory "Exchweb (Default Web Site)" is not configured correctly. This server has the Mailbox server role installed, so HTTP compression must be disabled. You can use the IIS Manager to disable compression.
I have been into IIS manager and disabled what I 'think' is http compression. (IIS (Feature view) -> Compression (Unticked everything)) but that was directly in "EXCHANGE(servername)" if I am to go down to Sites->Default Web Site->Exchange, Exchweb,
etc it will allow me to disable "Dynamic content compression" but not "Static content compressions as I get this error;
There was an error while performing this operation.
Filename: \\?\BackOfficeStorage\domain.local\MBX\web.config
Error: Connot write configuration file
Can someone PLEASE help me out as much as they can as if I don't get somewhere quickly the higher ups will can this exchange project and I really need want it on the network.
Matthew Lloyd.
June 13th, 2012 11:59pm
Please install Exchange 2007 "SP3" on Windows 2008 R2
Lower Versions of Exchange , is not Supported on R2.
So that you might end up in problems like above , with binariesSatheshwaran Manoharan | Exchange 2003/2007/2010 | Blog: | Please mark it as an answer if it really helps you
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June 14th, 2012 1:53am
Please install Exchange 2007 "SP3" on Windows 2008 R2
Lower Versions of Exchange , is not Supported on R2.
So that you might end up in problems like above , with binariesSatheshwaran Manoharan | Exchange 2003/2007/2010 | Blog: | Please mark it as an answer if it really helps you
June 14th, 2012 2:03am