I get this error using autodiscover in Exchange Web Services...
Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.AutodiscoverLocalException: The Autodiscover service couldn't be located.
Here is my code...
service.AutodiscoverUrl(email, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
In the Trace output I get this...
<Trace Tag="AutodiscoverConfiguration" Tid="419" Time="2015-08-05 09:13:06Z"> Trying to call Autodiscover for mail@mysite.com on https://myserver/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml. </Trace>
<Trace Tag="AutodiscoverConfiguration" Tid="419" Time="2015-08-05 09:13:07Z">
No matching Autodiscover DNS SRV records were found.
I am not sure if autodiscover is enabled. Is there a way to set the url manually?