Exchange and AD
Feeling slighty stupid here... How can I get it so whatever machine users log into when they click on Outlook they can get their emails. At the moment when you log in with a differnet name, you have to set outlook up again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
August 1st, 2007 1:06pm
I think (not 100%) thatyour only options are to use roaming user profiles, or a script similar to what SBS uses (when it decides to run properly).
I may be wrong!!
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August 1st, 2007 7:32pm
When you logon under AccountX, Outlook will use your AccountX credentials to automatically connect to AccountX's mailbox. If you are wanting to access AccountY's mailbox, you need to set up a different Outlook profile.
A user really needs to logon on as their own user account in order to automatically sign in to Outlook. If you want a user to automatically get their Outlook profile configured, there is a number of ways to do that including setting up a logon script that creates the profile or configuring Outlook 2002/2003/2007 to automatically create the profile. For Outlook 2002/2003, you need the Office Resource Kit to set up a configuration file to do this.\
Or, you can configure a shared folder on one of your servers and then configure all of your user accounts to use roaming profiles. That way, wherever they login, their existing Windows profiles will follow them. Personally, I think that roaming profiles are the work of Satan, but that is just because I find them very troublesome. But others have good luck with them.
There are some third party tools that make this easier, by the way:
I feel your pain, though. We finally just printed up a set of procedures that tell our users how to create Outlook profiles and have one at every desk. Our users move around constantly.
Of course, your other option is to ask them to use OWA when they are away from their desk.
August 1st, 2007 8:03pm