Exchange and Linux mail server
I am having this problem with Linux mail server talking with our exchange 2003.
what happens is the linux mail server will trigger exchange to send a bunch of emails with a pdf attachment every night, for the past 2 weeks or more exchange has been sending multiple of the same email every night.
I've been told that its a problem with our exchange. But, when I look at the html tags and compare the duplicates, I see different time stamps of X-Original Arrival Time. My question is, is there something wrong with exchange 2003, does it have to be pre-configured to talk with linux mail server?
January 7th, 2010 8:25pm
Exchange 2003 accepts SMTP connections. How are you connecting?Mark Morowczynski|MCT| MCSE 2003:Messaging, Security|MCITP:EMA 2K7,EDA Win 7,ES,SA,EA|MCTS:Windows Mobile Admin|Security+|
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January 8th, 2010 1:07am
On Thu, 7-Jan-10 17:25:55 GMT, wamo wrote:>Hi, I am having this problem with Linux mail server talking with our exchange 2003. what happens is the linux mail server will trigger exchange to send a bunch of emails with a pdf attachment every night, for the past 2 weeks or more exchange has been sending multiple of the same email every night. I've been told that its a problem with our exchange. But, when I look at the html tags and compare the duplicates, I see different time stamps of X-Original Arrival Time. My question is, is there something wrong with exchange 2003, does it have to be pre-configured to talk with linux mail server? Thanks Check the SMTP protocol logs and see what's going on -- on BOTHmachines.---Rich MatheisenMCSE+I, Exchange MVP
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
January 8th, 2010 6:56am
Is it the spams that have being sent every night?
Please describe the exchange topology
Please verify the sender/recipient information on the messages, also check the message tracking log for these messages James Luo TechNet Subscriber Support ( If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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January 11th, 2010 9:14am
I had been trying to figure out the smtp logs, don't know what's going on.
It's not spam, it's automatic invoices that we send out from our exchange server every night. The actual invoices don't reside on the exchange server but they come from a seperate linux server which holds the database and is managed by a seperate company. Everynight linux server triggers the exchange server to send out these emails once their database finishes generating the invoices. I am trying to figure out what's going on myself because I didn't set it up.
January 12th, 2010 10:05pm
The only difference is the “X-OriginalArrivalTime”? It’s the time when the messages are delivered into the mail server. Can you check the message tracking center, see if the exchange server has received the multiple same messages from Linux at the first place?
How about the message ID?James Luo TechNet Subscriber Support ( If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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January 13th, 2010 6:25am
same message ID for the duplicates, they are denying that it has anything to do with them because they are saying it works with every other company that they work with and only us it does this weird thing.
There's this same email going to the same mailbox couple times every day for the past 30 days. Their linux server is which triggers to send to
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0
Received: from ([]) by over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 07:48:00 -0800
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by (8.12.5/8.12.5) with ESMTP id o0CB0Gj0004641
for <>; Tue, 12 Jan 2010 03:00:16 -0800
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by (8.12.5/8.12.5/Submit) id o0CB0GNL004595;
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 03:00:16 -0800
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 03:00:16 -0800
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Jan 2010 15:48:00.0626 (UTC) FILETIME=[9E77FD20:01CA939E]
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January 14th, 2010 8:48pm
from here, do you guys see anything wrong?
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January 19th, 2010 3:09am
On Tue, 19-Jan-10 00:09:34 GMT, wamo wrote:>from here, do you guys see anything wrong? If you're getting e-mail with different times in the "Received:"headers and the same "Message-ID:" header contents thenthere's clearlya roblem and their contention that it doesn't happen anywhere elseshould be qualified with the word "yet".The problem probably isn't their SMTP server. The Message-ID headershould be populated by the sending SMTP client. If the client issending the message repeatedly then their SMTP server isn't going todiscover that. But having the RFC822 message headers as evidenceshould convince them of their error.---Rich MatheisenMCSE+I, Exchange MVP
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
January 19th, 2010 6:49am
you think that its the linux server's problem too ya?
I've been trying to talk to them about this but all they are saying is they run a simple script:
"I really don't know what your email server is doing.
how about if we just give you all the emails to send in a FTP folder and you guys go ahead and pick them up and send it whenever and whatever way you want. So this way the logon mail server won't talk to your mail server to dispatch the emails.
I can see that if during a email send from logon linux mail server to your exchange email server that if it didn't get FIN or ACK signal it would think the email was not send and retry sending. that's how ALL sendmail server works, as automatic retry.
The script is very simple and straight forward and we only send it out once to our mail linux mail server and it doesn't see this problem every day. So far you're the only customers that said anything about double send.
So by just giving you the files of the emails to send, you guys can decide what the issue maybe."
that would be a solution for now but it would mean getting hundreds of emails to send manually everyday : (
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January 25th, 2010 7:50pm
On Mon, 25-Jan-10 16:50:47 GMT, wamo wrote:>you think that its the linux server's problem too ya? I said that having the RFC822 headers would be pretty strong evidenceof the origin of the problem. Since only you have that information Ithink it's up to you to make your case with the sending system'sadministrators.>I've been trying to talk to them about this but all they are saying is they run a simple script: You didn't ask them about YOUR server, did you? You asked them to showyou THEIR log files, or at least to LOOK at their log files.Deflecting blame is, unfortunately, pretty typical. That's why youneed the headers from the e-mail you receive, and the log files fromyour machine to eliminate anything on your side -- and to point out to"them" the error of their ways (if it turns out to be them thatrepeatedly send the same message).If it's "the script" tat's sending the e-mail and not some legitimateMTA like sendmail or postscript then you should be all over them likeugly on an ape. :-)>"I really don't know what your email server is doing. >>how about if we just give you all the emails to send in a FTP folder and you guys go ahead and pick them up and send it whenever and whatever way you want. So this way the logon mail server won't talk to your mail server to dispatch the emails. >>I can see that if during a email send from logon linux mail server to your exchange email server that if it didn't get FIN or ACK signal it would think the email was not send and retry sending. that's how ALL sendmail server works, as automatic retry. >>The script is very simple and straight forward and we only send it out once to our mail linux mail server and it doesn't see this problem every day. So far you're the only customers that said anything about double send. >>So by just giving you the files of the emails to send, you guys can decide what the issue maybe." >> >>that would be a solution for now but it would mean getting hundreds of emails to send manually everyday : ( So you're a customer?! You PAY for the service? And that's the answeryou get? And you accept it? I'd be looking for another vendor -- rightafter dumping all over their VP of sales.---Rich MatheisenMCSE+I, Exchange MVP
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
January 25th, 2010 8:51pm
o, they said its sendmail server.
no, I am absolutely frustrated but its just that I got millions of other people on my a$$ that I have to stop the bleeding first.
I am going to ask them for their logs, and they say that they only keep a one day log record as the sizes grow too big. But letting them know of what the header shows isn't good enough in convincing them its their fault that they are flooding our us with emails.
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January 26th, 2010 1:40am