Exchange and Windows Small Buisness Server
I just purchased Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2
It has been installed; I now need to setup users & computers.
We are presently using Peer to Peer network, with all clients using NAT, by DHCP
In addition, all users communicat directlyto ISP email server.
In Windows Small Business Server
Why does the add new user wizard have a prompt for email alias?
What would be the advantage of creating email alias.
What are the caveats?
Our company presently uses an outside vendor (OUR ISP) to host an Email Server
I would like to retain their services & let it retain our MX record
All our Email Boxes (Email Addresses) are all ready configured, and I do not want to change them because It would disrupt all the users and management
Whatis the recommendation for setting up Exchange to retrieve & forward all email with Exchange? to our presently configured ISP email server.
Please do add any additional information I may have not asked for,
Thanks in Advance
Liizandro D Miramontes
August 1st, 2007 2:36am
Though SBS hasa "POP connector" that will download mail from your mailboxes at your ISP, if you own your own domain, I would recommend having them direct the MX record to your SBS server and handle your own e-mail from now on. Just my $0.02 worth.
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August 1st, 2007 6:04am
I would second that opinion...I like using in house e-mail because i know if something goes wrong i am able to fix it right there and then instead of calling someone and relying on them. Also adding and deleting users takes about a minute if not less.
August 1st, 2007 6:47pm
Thanks for your reply, i may do that in the future, however I need to bone up on Exchange before I tackle it. I do apprecieate any advice.
However I willsincerely look hard at your recomendation.
But can you please advise me on my original questions about the email alias & using my exchange as a forwarding server.
Thanks in Advance
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August 1st, 2007 6:57pm
No Advice?
August 1st, 2007 11:20pm